Ten Strategies for Getting into a State of Flow

Richard Barrett

Excerpt from the forthcoming Evolutionary Coaching (May 2014)

This raises an important question: How do you consciously get and stay in a state of flow? The answer is you don’t. You cannot consciously move into flow, because flow is a gift from the soul that occurs when you surrender to your soul’s desires. Although you can’t switch flow on, you can encourage it by consciously committing yourself to your soul’s purpose and then attempting to implement as many of the following strategies as you can.

  •  Become unbelievably adaptive.
  • Surrender to the process.
  • Never trick yourself into believing you have the best answer.
  • Be at ease with what is.
  • Focus on what is in front of you.
  • Be at ease with uncertainty.
  • Try to include everything.
  • Consider the whole system.
  • Stick to your values.
  • Follow your passion.

 Become unbelievably adaptive: Let go of any idea of the way things have…

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